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Welcome to!


We're Joel & Trish...traveling and living in an RV, documenting our journey with stories, photos, maps and more as we make our exodus from Los Angeles, in search of a new place that feels like home.

We started this site primarily to communicate with family & friends in one spot, to avoid loads of text threads, emails, & social media posts. If you subscribe below (optional), you'll receive a notification when we update our status.


Trish handles most of the writing and photography for the places we visit, and Joel writes about the functional & tech stuff. Just a note: clicking on a picture will enlarge it.


Most blogs are formatted with the newest 'newsy' post on top, but ours is more of a story, so it makes the most sense if you read it from the beginning (starting with the oldest post first). Refer to the table of contents below - we suggest you begin at the top. Click the link at the end of each post for the next chapter of the adventure. There'll be more updates to follow!

Explore with's free!

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